stephenmid: Sori of Soft Shield Fern
stephenmid: Soft Shield Fern frond
stephenmid: Soft Shield Fern by Cow Parsley walk near Lower Path
stephenmid: Western Sword Fern below the Lower Road
stephenmid: Western Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum) frond
stephenmid: Maidenhair Spleenwort on the wall above Alexandra Palace Way
stephenmid: Fern leaf in the Nature Conservation Area
stephenmid: Hart's tongue fern (and another fern)
stephenmid: Fern coming out near the South Slope
stephenmid: Hart's Tongue Fern in the Nature Conservation Area
stephenmid: Western Sword Fern near the Lower Path
stephenmid: Common Polypody near the Paddock Car Park
stephenmid: Common Polypody near the Paddock Car Park (2)
stephenmid: Common Polypody growing on a tree
stephenmid: Common Polypody leaf
stephenmid: Common Polypody leaf underside
stephenmid: Hart's Tongue Fern in the Cricket Scrub area
stephenmid: Common Polypody growing on a tree
stephenmid: Common Polypody near the Paddock Car Park
stephenmid: Broad Buckler-Fern frond
stephenmid: Broad Buckler-Fern in the Nature Conservation area
stephenmid: Western Sword Fern in the brambles near Lower Road
stephenmid: Western Sword Fern sori near Lower Road