stephenmid: Crocus
stephenmid: Lords and Ladies
stephenmid: Thistle flowers
stephenmid: Ragwort
stephenmid: Bumblebee in Bindweed - nr Station Entrance
stephenmid: Goats Rue near Sports Pavillion
stephenmid: Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) near Sports Pavillion
stephenmid: Common Bird's-foot-trefoil near Sports Pavillion
stephenmid: Virginia creeper by Nature Conservation Area
stephenmid: Small leafed dock in the Butterfly meadow
stephenmid: Flag Iris in the Conservation Pond
stephenmid: Honesty seed pods
stephenmid: Sodden snowdrops in Pinkneys Green Woodland
stephenmid: Crocuses in Bluebell Wood
stephenmid: Snowdrops sheltering in the shade
stephenmid: Early daffodil in Lodden Nature Reserve
stephenmid: Daisies Springing into action
stephenmid: Lesser Celandines (Ficaria verna) in The Grove
stephenmid: Scilla or Squill blueing up
stephenmid: Daffs in Bluebell Wood
stephenmid: Dandelion (old french: Dent-de-lion - Lion's tooth)
stephenmid: Speedwell (blue coloured flowers)
stephenmid: Chickweed
stephenmid: Cow Parsley/St Annes Lace
stephenmid: Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna)
stephenmid: Periwinkle flower near the Graffiti Wall
stephenmid: Red dead nettle in The Grove
stephenmid: White dead nettle by the Cricket Scrub
stephenmid: Wood anenomes between The Grove and Garden Centre
stephenmid: Pink bluebells in the Blandford Hall Area