stephenmid: Storm damage to a Lime Tree
stephenmid: Storm damage to a Lime Tree (2)
stephenmid: Honey Locust Tree at the top of the Rose Garden
stephenmid: Red Horsechestnut flowers
stephenmid: Locust Tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)
stephenmid: Mock Orange (Philadelphus)
stephenmid: Oak knopper galls
stephenmid: Knopper Galls
stephenmid: Lime Trees going down to deer enclosure
stephenmid: Oak tree (probably Cypress Oak) growing like a Lombardy Poplar
stephenmid: Oak tree in late sun autumn colour
stephenmid: Cherry Tree by the fairground site
stephenmid: Beech tree autumn colours
stephenmid: Dawn Redwood feeling autumnal
stephenmid: Manna Ash trees colouring up
stephenmid: Plane Trees in orange
stephenmid: Ceanothus by the 234 centre in The Grove
stephenmid: Holm oak flowering in The Grove
stephenmid: Laburnum (1) on the path next to the reservoir - in the pea family
stephenmid: Laburnum (2) flowers
stephenmid: Field Maple in yellow and green
stephenmid: Guelder Rose leaf colouring
stephenmid: Wild Service Tree green and yellow leaves
stephenmid: Silver Maple leaves
stephenmid: Pyracantha
stephenmid: European Hophornbeam
stephenmid: Swamp Cypress in Autumn Plumage - near 345 in The Grove
stephenmid: Kerria leaves green and yellow
stephenmid: Holly
stephenmid: Snowberries