Vinos-photo: D100 test shot with ebay triggers
Vinos-photo: 16fisheyea
Vinos-photo: 16fisheyeb
Vinos-photo: 16fisheyec
Vinos-photo: 70-210f4a
Vinos-photo: 70-210f4b
Vinos-photo: 70-210f4c
Vinos-photo: gear (9 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (8 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (7 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (6 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (33 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (32 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (26 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (29 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (27 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (24 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (14 of 33)
Vinos-photo: gear (10 of 33)
Vinos-photo: DSC_9377
Vinos-photo: DSC_9376
Vinos-photo: DSC_9375
Vinos-photo: DSC_9366
Vinos-photo: DSC_9361