Bill Kirby1:
Adrena sp emerging 1 LOW
Bill Kirby1:
Adrena sp emerging 2 LOW
Bill Kirby1:
Adrena sp emerging 3
Bill Kirby1:
candle snuff fungus LOW
Bill Kirby1:
Mitrula paludrosa
Bill Kirby1:
round leaved crowfoot
Bill Kirby1:
poss common newt
Bill Kirby1:
prob palmate newt
Bill Kirby1:
wood sorrel
Bill Kirby1:
Bill Kirby1:
broad bodied chaser 1
Bill Kirby1:
broad bodied chaser 2
Bill Kirby1:
tiger beetle devouring ant LOW
Bill Kirby1:
golden ringed dragonfly male LOW
Bill Kirby1:
roe deer LOW
Bill Kirby1:
grasshopper face off
Bill Kirby1:
robber fly with prey LOW
Bill Kirby1:
losing grasshopper moves off
Bill Kirby1:
slow worm 1
Bill Kirby1:
slow worm 2 LOW
Bill Kirby1:
Fly Agaric 1
Bill Kirby1:
Fly Agarics 1
Bill Kirby1:
fungi on stump 2
Bill Kirby1:
Leccinum species
Bill Kirby1:
fungi on stump 1
Bill Kirby1:
Bill Kirby1:
small copper
Bill Kirby1:
poss Brick Cap with Fuligo septica LOW