boxesindust: coming into R-12 base
boxesindust: guard building
boxesindust: Rostov
boxesindust: advice
boxesindust: i'm a soldier...
boxesindust: recreation zone
boxesindust: green room
boxesindust: KAPAXA?
boxesindust: technical building (and maybe guard at entrance to hot zone)
boxesindust: 60th anniversary
boxesindust: yellow room
boxesindust: monument
boxesindust: red nose
boxesindust: save us
boxesindust: perception of door
boxesindust: still metal there!
boxesindust: vain xplain
boxesindust: i take this sea fruit plate with caviar...
boxesindust: gone kaputt
boxesindust: about pain
boxesindust: from pre-socks-times
boxesindust: no more dunking
boxesindust: rakesu monument/rocket monument
boxesindust: sweetwater
boxesindust: 2. world war monument
boxesindust: le vent nous portera
boxesindust: follow the rules of technical security