Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6487/9/90, YY16 YKX/Z, YLA just after delivery to temporary storage at Southend, the first new double-deckers to arrive here since Tridents in 2000
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 OKZ at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 OKZ and 6490, YY16 OLA just after delivery at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6487, YY16 YKW at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA just after delivery to temporary storage at Southend, the first new double-deckers to arrive here since Tridents in 2000
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 OKZ and 6490, YY16 OLA just after delivery at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA with 6489, YY16 YKZ just after delivery to temporary storage at Southend, the first new double-deckers to arrive here since Tridents in 2000
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 OLA just after delivery at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 OLA just after delivery at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA just after delivery to temporary storage at Southend, the first new double-deckers to arrive here since Tridents in 2000
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ just after delivery to temporary storage at Southend, the first new double-deckers to arrive here since Tridents in 2000
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 YKZ just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490, YY16 YLA
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489/90, YY16 YKZ, YLA just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489/90, YY16 YKZ, YLA
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6490/89/87, YY16 YLA, YKZ/W just after delivery at Southend for storage with withdrawn DAF SB220 / Plaxton Prestige 3913, T913 KKM awaiting disposal
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6489, YY16 OKZ and 6493, YY16 YLD just after delivery at Arriva Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6493, YY16 YLD just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6494, YY16 YLE just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6494, YY16 YLE just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6495/4, YY16 YLF/E just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6494/5, YY16 YLE/F just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6495/4/89, YY16 YLF/E, YKZ just after delivery at Southend for storage
Brand new Arriva The Shires Alexander Dennis Enviro400 MMC 6449/94/5, YY16 YKZ, YLE/F just after delivery for storage at Southend until launch