pdw's atelier: the Giza Pyramids no.4
pdw's atelier: 'On the Nile'... My first trip to Egypt.
pdw's atelier: Women at the Branch of the Nile
pdw's atelier: On the Road to Beba
pdw's atelier: Bagging the Corn
pdw's atelier: On the Banks of the Nile
pdw's atelier: Harvesting
pdw's atelier: On the Road to Luxor
pdw's atelier: Selling Terracotta in Cairo
pdw's atelier: Egypt Canvas
pdw's atelier: Oasis in Egypt
pdw's atelier: Egypt Canvas
pdw's atelier: 'Early Morning on the Nile'
pdw's atelier: Greeting the Visitors
pdw's atelier: Cars Aren't Always Appreciated On This Road
pdw's atelier: Little Burros Transporting Full Loads
pdw's atelier: Third View of the Sphinx
pdw's atelier: In the Cool of the Evening
pdw's atelier: Stopping Along the Way
pdw's atelier: Trekking Down a Mit Oqba Alley
pdw's atelier: Busy Time of the Day
pdw's atelier: Posing in the Marketplace
pdw's atelier: Can't Stay Awake
pdw's atelier: Alexandria Port Citadel in the Harbor
pdw's atelier: Tilling the Land
pdw's atelier: Daily Procession Through the Streets
pdw's atelier: Egypt Canvas
pdw's atelier: Egypt Canvas
pdw's atelier: Transporting Terracotta Jars
pdw's atelier: Egypt Canvas