WatchingTheWatcher: La vida se abre camino
WatchingTheWatcher: El fin del verano
WatchingTheWatcher: Luz tal vez
WatchingTheWatcher: Sweet nightmare
WatchingTheWatcher: WatchingTheWatcher
WatchingTheWatcher: Lost destination
WatchingTheWatcher: My body is a cage
WatchingTheWatcher: Hotel room
WatchingTheWatcher: Oh let the sun beat down upon my face
WatchingTheWatcher: Oh, you pretty thing!!
WatchingTheWatcher: Live in Shanghai
WatchingTheWatcher: who we are
WatchingTheWatcher: Eran ganas de viajar...
WatchingTheWatcher: The Queen spoke
WatchingTheWatcher: This way...
WatchingTheWatcher: La vida de los otros
WatchingTheWatcher: I´ll follow the Sun
WatchingTheWatcher: El chico del humor frágil
WatchingTheWatcher: And Butterflies are Free to Fly