Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Not the prettiest fireplace in this condition, but it could be really cosy with some TLC
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Over-exposed livingroom bay window
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: This is just...weird
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Conan, freshwater angel fishes, syringes and an incredible stench of cat pee
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: All you need is a glass of wine and some candles...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Om nom n...okay, maybe not
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: So much prettier than my radiators!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: It's hard to get good help these days
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Grab a cup of tea and relax on the porch
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: I would love to live in this house!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Kittson House 1900s/2012