Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: So...the bowls are empty...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Peanut butter and milk are standing by...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: The power to amaze yourself...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Curves instrument of torture
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: If I ignore him, maybe he'll go away...and maybe the fridge will open...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Probably my most boring photo yet...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Takin' back the recycling
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Gelato on the patio...yummy!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: The Rhodies Are Blooming!!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: *cough cough hack hack*
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Oh, that Karma...she is a bitch...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: So...I went to Canadian Tire...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Daffodils are coming up!!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Yay! Top Gear is back!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: *crunch crunch crunch*