Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Lake Minnewanka, Banff...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Statue in Waterfront Park in North Vancouver *snickers*
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Abbie gets her belly cleaned
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Tristan and Heidi just hangin' out
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Bert the Hippo from NCIS
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Bellies and toe floof
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: ACK! Another wall of windows!!
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Warm and cosy...or not...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: I'm not sure how long I'm going to allow this...
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: Old fart meets young whippersnapper
Alaidh...PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!!: LIES!! It's all LIES!!