Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples on the pad at Nocona, TX...
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II at the Borger Dome
Douglas Bawden Photography: On the pad at BSA...
Douglas Bawden Photography: On the ground in Kansas
Douglas Bawden Photography: On the pad at St. Paul's
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II Departing
Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples in Fort Worth
Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples in Dallas
Douglas Bawden Photography: On the pad at Parkland
Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples in Quanah
Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples at Love Field
Douglas Bawden Photography: After the engine failure!
Douglas Bawden Photography: NCMC II on the Pad
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II at KAMA
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II in Dumas
Douglas Bawden Photography: At the accident scene...
Douglas Bawden Photography: Enroute to the accident scene...
Douglas Bawden Photography: Adrian Mutual Aid
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II on the pad in Tucumcari
Douglas Bawden Photography: On the pad at NCMC
Douglas Bawden Photography: Running the Checklist
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II at KAMA No.2
Douglas Bawden Photography: Lifestar II at Clayton, New Mexico
Douglas Bawden Photography: Archer County Fire
Douglas Bawden Photography: Air Evac 34 - Texas Region Base of the Year!
Douglas Bawden Photography: Dimples on Display