Gloria Sanvicente: *☙"When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight."*☙ ~ Michael Bridge
Gloria Sanvicente: *☙Dianthus with droplets*☙
Gloria Sanvicente: Osteospermum [African Daisy]
Gloria Sanvicente: "Just a drop of kindness could make a big difference in a person's life."
Gloria Sanvicente: *☙•Sparkle and Shine*☙•
Gloria Sanvicente: Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. ~ Khalil Gibran
Gloria Sanvicente: Gerbera Daisy
Gloria Sanvicente: Reflections
Gloria Sanvicente: "If each of my words were a drop of water, you would see through them and glimpse what I feel: gratitude, acknowledgement." ~ Octavio Paz
Gloria Sanvicente: Hyacinths with droplet
Gloria Sanvicente: Summer rain drops
Gloria Sanvicente: ☙•After the rain☙•
Gloria Sanvicente: After the rain! 💦
Gloria Sanvicente: After the rain
Gloria Sanvicente: ☙☙Rose after the rain☙☙
Gloria Sanvicente: Green Tomato