YSportsVancouver: title|Following the sudden death of her mother on Sunday, Joannie Rochette clung to routine, attending practice and vowing to compete as planned.
YSportsVancouver: title|Yet there was nothing routine about her performance on Tuesday.
YSportsVancouver: title|Whether she thrived or faltered, Rochette distinguished herself just by showing up for the ladies short program.
YSportsVancouver: title|And she didn't falter -- far from it. Rochette skated flawlessly and registered a personal best score ever.
YSportsVancouver: title|Immediately following her program is when the emotion of the moment came to the surface. ...
YSportsVancouver: title|...For Rochette and all who watched her. The Vancouver crowd embraced her from the moment she took the ice.
YSportsVancouver: title|Rochette returned their affection. It's impossible to know what happens next, other than she'll compete again on Thursday.
YSportsVancouver: title|We'll be watching.