YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Evgeni Plushenko's costume captured the Spanish flair of his music. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Tomas Verner's taste went on shore leave. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Evan Lysacek looked regal in Vera Wang. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Samuel Contesti skated to the blues but was dressed more country. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: If you go over the top, go all the way like Daisuke Takahashi. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: At least Kevin van der Perren won't have to buy a Halloween costume. (Photo by Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Ruffles and tassles and corsets! Oh my! Johnny Weir was pure drama. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Gregor Urbas' flowy tunic would've fit in the ladies' competition. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Takahiko Kozuka rocked a bold print shirt while skating to Hendrix. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Nobunari Oda's arrow-embellished outfit lacked fashion direction. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Stephane Lambiel resembled Prince Charming. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Javier Fernandez was an easy target for the fashion critics. (Photo by Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Patrick Chan kept things simple in a sequined vest. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Dear Paolo Bacchini, Freddy Krueger wants his sweater back. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Brian Joubert looked sharp in a sequined shirt. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Even Denis Ten thought his waiter look was too much. (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Minus the heavy gloves, Florent Amodio was one of the most stylish of the night. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Did Zoltan Kelemen get attacked by silly string? (Photo by Yuri Kadobnova/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Best: Michal Brezina proved you can't go wrong with black and white. (Photo by Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images)
YSportsVancouver: title|Worst: Przemyslaw Domanski's costume had way too much going on. (Photo by Yurki Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images)