TheRoute19: The last mad dash - 142045
TheRoute19: Guiding Hand - 142045 and 150103
TheRoute19: Romiley rumination - 142045
TheRoute19: Roaming into Romiley - 142004 and 150225
TheRoute19: Marple Arc - 142051
TheRoute19: Squeal and flange - 142004
TheRoute19: Top tier - 142051 and 150139
TheRoute19: Not you, sorry - 142051
TheRoute19: Layover - 142051
TheRoute19: Ghostly Woodley - 142045 and 150128
TheRoute19: Picc up a Pacer - 142034
TheRoute19: Those we lost - 142016
TheRoute19: Consecutive numbering - 142041 and 142040
TheRoute19: Piccadilly Pacers - 142040 and 142041
TheRoute19: Historic - 142041
TheRoute19: Say hello, wave goodbye - 142041
TheRoute19: My ride - 142045
TheRoute19: Leyland power - 142062
TheRoute19: Victoria, toria - 142062
TheRoute19: Carnforth - 144015
TheRoute19: Classic shot...141113
TheRoute19: Cameras at the ready - 141113
TheRoute19: Alternate history - 141113
TheRoute19: Green Valley...141113
TheRoute19: Fish out of water - 141113
TheRoute19: Incongruous...141113
TheRoute19: Native meets the stranger - 141113
TheRoute19: Pacer in the rain - 141113
TheRoute19: Alien unit on the metals...141113