heresmare: the lovely janine with a cool hat. she bought shoes.
heresmare: mark blevis, bob goyetche
heresmare: julien smith with a girl who never played d&d
heresmare: mark blevis, mare swallow
heresmare: IMG_6849
heresmare: IMG_6850
heresmare: IMG_6855
heresmare: IMG_6867
heresmare: IMG_6868
heresmare: IMG_6869
heresmare: the incomparable scarboroughdude
heresmare: ottawa!
heresmare: IMG_6887
heresmare: IMG_6888
heresmare: IMG_6892
heresmare: IMG_6898
heresmare: IMG_6903
heresmare: IMG_6904
heresmare: IMG_6906
heresmare: neil gorman and mare swallow
heresmare: IMG_6920
heresmare: bob ledrew rocks the boat
heresmare: IMG_6922
heresmare: IMG_6928
heresmare: IMG_6932
heresmare: IMG_6940
heresmare: seen in the ladies restroom
heresmare: IMG_6944
heresmare: shopping post pab!
heresmare: IMG_6837