Raj the Tora: ABCD (Anteating Baby Calotes at Dusk)
Raj the Tora: Frog Fight
Raj the Tora: Foraging (Filter Feeding) Flamingo Flamboyance!
Raj the Tora: Foraging Francolins
Raj the Tora: Ashy Prinia Articulating
Raj the Tora: Carpenter (Copter) Bee Buzzing
Raj the Tora: Hoopoe Hunting, Grub Gobbling Chick
Raj the Tora: Fiddler Pair
Raj the Tora: Crab Mouth
Raj the Tora: Bubble Blower
Raj the Tora: Nothing is Wasted!
Raj the Tora: Spider Snaps, Ant Seizes!
Raj the Tora: Burrowing Wasp In Action
Raj the Tora: Indian Black Turtles
Raj the Tora: Caring Crows Cleaning Crow Chick's Crop!
Raj the Tora: Touch Me Not!
Raj the Tora: Locating Leech
Raj the Tora: Non-Apiphilic Entomophily
Raj the Tora: Bulbul Feeding, Preening, Excreting!
Raj the Tora: Pine-Leaves Plaiting
Raj the Tora: Bee on Sun!
Raj the Tora: Spiny Orb Weaver Waiting and Hunting!
Raj the Tora: Jumping Spider Eating Prey
Raj the Tora: Flying Elephant!
Raj the Tora: Love of Liberty
Raj the Tora: Weaving Grasses
Raj the Tora: Wielding Wings, Shielding Self!
Raj the Tora: Preening Proboscis
Raj the Tora: Air Breathing Fish
Raj the Tora: Tortoise Turnaround!