Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: flickr montage xmas
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: all cured up Amanda
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Michael2 with cotton suite red socks & trainers
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: detail from 'Waiting for the tide'
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Amanda petroc last day
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: dixy against the sun 10 min sketch
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: light experiment with pastel on canvas
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: model at Gables life class
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: male model at Appledore hall
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: old man and latest montage
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: latest montage march2015
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Dixy study arm in water and pastel
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: girl at Michael Austin studio
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: three female figures montage
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: three new works for 2015
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: montage from Frank Adey portrait theme
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Marilyn at Appledore low light
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: out shot and character montage
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Dixy Bideford pastel and Watercolour
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: Amanda at Appledore
Frank Adey Devon, theme artist: laying in the light