Brittamay: NO peanuts please!
Brittamay: Who says my face is lopsided??!!
Brittamay: Nannie, nannie, boo-boo, I beat you to the peanuts Mr. Blue Jay!!!
Brittamay: then there were 2
Brittamay: My face IS NOT lopsided lady, what you talkin' bout??!! (Explore)
Brittamay: Eastern Chipmunk
Brittamay: "Plump" Day
Brittamay: Just maybe if I look right straight ahead that lady with the camera will GO AWAY!!
Brittamay: Ouie!! Lady, can't you see I need some help here?!!
Brittamay: Meet Alice, aka Alvin :)
Brittamay: Heeeeere's Alvin!
Brittamay: Oh where oh where has my Alvin gone...
Brittamay: There's something women love about a pickup man!!
Brittamay: Not much room left for Alvin's tongue after cramming 3 peanuts in his mouth :)
Brittamay: Alvin, you make a cloudy day sunny!
Brittamay: Make yourself right to home little buddy :) (Explore)
Brittamay: Finally, you are home Alvin :)
Brittamay: So, lady, what is a hungry Chippy supposed to eat around here?? (Explore)
Brittamay: What u talkin bout lady, I didn't steal the Blue Jay's peanuts!!
Brittamay: No Mam, I HAVE NOT been eating the squirrel's peanuts!
Brittamay: In life, I believe there is always something to be thankful for :)
Brittamay: I'm some glad that those Orioles didn't come back to eat this orange :)))
Brittamay: Alvin
Brittamay: Happy "hump day" to everyone!! It will soon be the weekend again!!
Brittamay: Alvin, you know we're doing a photo shoot here...could you please wipe that food off your nose and put your tongue back in your mouth?!! (Explored)
Brittamay: Lady, I've told you 100 times that I DID NOT chew the hole in your mobile home skirt, that darned Red Squirrel did it!!
Brittamay: Oh oh,'re gonna be in deep poop when lady's hubby sees what you've done to the skirt on our mobile home!!
Brittamay: Alvin thinks he's got it made in the shade....
Brittamay: looks like I made it back to the right place...there's that darned lady with the camera!! (Explored)
Brittamay: Chippy