Salfordian: The Boys at Ypres
Salfordian: The Boys shoot some Bowling in Ypres - Steve Wins !!
Salfordian: Kev and Steve
Salfordian: The Boys @ Leopoldsburg
Salfordian: Steve and Lance at Luxembourg
Salfordian: Steve and Gerry, Verdun
Salfordian: steve & will - The Peaks
Salfordian: At the House we rented in Arnhem
Salfordian: Arnhem
Salfordian: @11am on 11.11.2006 @ a grave of an unknown in Hooge the NMBS pay thier respects
Salfordian: Boys @ Cottage, Blair Atholl - Scotland
Salfordian: Lille Gate, Ypres
Salfordian: Munster, Germany
Salfordian: Waterloo
Salfordian: Hadrian's Wall
Salfordian: Boys in Bar @ Albert
Salfordian: Stu's Wedding
Salfordian: Aaron
Salfordian: Simon
Salfordian: Gerry
Salfordian: Aaron
Salfordian: Lance
Salfordian: Eamonn
Salfordian: Lime Green Jumper !!??!!