Salfordian: The Killing fields of The Somme, at La Boiselle, France. Lance (L) Andy (M) Gerry (R)
Salfordian: Sleeping Lion Memorial to the Germans, Near Fort Vaux, Verdun, France.
Salfordian: Gerry (L) and Steve (R) on top of Fort Vaux, Verdun, France
Salfordian: Dannevoux, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: "At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them" Trenches @ Newfoundland Park, The Somme France
Salfordian: Mort Homme Forest, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: Preserved trench @ Verdun, France.
Salfordian: Bones of the unknown @ Douaumont Ossuary, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: Douaumont Ossuary, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: The Somme Killing Fields
Salfordian: Wall Painting, Albert, The Somme, France
Salfordian: Fort Vaux, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: Le W.C @ Fort Vaux, Near Verdun, France
Salfordian: Danger Tree in Newfounland Park. The Somme, France
Salfordian: Battlefield at Verdun
Salfordian: Donsbruggen chapel inscription closeup
Salfordian: Mother Canada and Vimy Memorial
Salfordian: Mother Canada
Salfordian: Vimy Ridge
Salfordian: 51st Division Memorial
Salfordian: The Miners Battalion
Salfordian: Bayernwald Trenches
Salfordian: CWGC Site
Salfordian: VC winner of the Somme
Salfordian: Ossuaire de Douaumont
Salfordian: The Fallen - Ossuaire de Douaumont
Salfordian: Shadow of the Cross
Salfordian: Bones - Ossuaire de Douaumont
Salfordian: Ossuaire de Douaumont
Salfordian: Bayernwald Trenches and a young Hitler