TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Gipsy Lane (by Walmer Grove) Birmingham, West Midlands, B23 7SS - Taken 5th May 1963
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Walmer Grove, Birmingham, West Midlands, B23 7SS - 5th May 1963
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Family living room in early 1960's
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Fido bites shoe - October 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Fido and mistress - October 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Woman in pleated dress - October 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Woman in pleated dress 2 - October 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Probable location is Birmingham
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Probable location is Birmingham
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Probable location is Birmingham
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Rainbow over Walmer Grove - Gipsy Lane junction, Birmingham, West Midlands, B23 7SS - 5th May 1963
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Gas fire, slot meter, tea pot, wicker chair, dresser with curtain - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Wicker chair and wardrobe - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Chest of Drawers, dresser with curtain, teapot, tinned food - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Pajama's, alarm clock, Bedsit - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Lady with sewing machine - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Gent in shirt and tie - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Gent in shirt and tie 2 - August 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Lady in suit - July 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Man and boy - July 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Walmer Grove-Gipsy Road juction, Birmingham, West Midlands, B23 7SS - June 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Couple taking tea - June 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Two ladies on leather settee - June 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Family - June 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Lady in suit - May 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Walking on the train tracks - May 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Construction site - May 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Construction site and steam locomotive - May 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Lady by train track - May 1961
TimC - Now on IPERNITY: Gent by train track - May 1961