cy esp: Late for Work
cy esp: Snow Day
cy esp: Take a seat, enjoy the view
cy esp: Ice Attacks the Heater
cy esp: Ice Attacks the Heater
cy esp: Ice Attacks the Heater
cy esp: Back from the Barn
cy esp: Back from the Barn
cy esp: Moon and Lee Loup to the barn
cy esp: 2006 dec 29 003
cy esp: 2006 dec 29 002
cy esp: 2006 dec 29 023
cy esp: 2006 dec 29 037
cy esp: Misosama Emerges from the Surf (snow actually) at Dawn
cy esp: Sweeping Snow
cy esp: Drifted Again
cy esp: Drifted Again, at Dawn
cy esp: Tractor Attacks at Dawn