Raúl Podadera Sanz: Skogafoss, Iceland.
Jambo53 (): The kiss of death!
ayres_leigh: 7355 2-2
A Antal: Short-eared owl
Daniel Parent: Blue-gray Tanager
MalcedoP: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
MukeshPhoto: _DSC0969NLS_India_2023
Francois Primeau: Carouge à épaulettes (femelle) / Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
CroftSnapper: King Rubes
ian._harris: Call in the Wild
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Puffin (URN: 1567)
ian._harris: Puffin
ian._harris: Puffin
ian._harris: Puffin with lunch
Rayladur: Paruline à tête cendrée - Magnolia Warbler
spensered: Golden fronted woodpecker
ayres_leigh: Red-necked Grebe, with chicks
ayres_leigh: 3410 24mp
Daniel Parent: Chestnut-winged Cinclodes
MukeshPhoto: _2A13631 BYB_2022
ian._harris: Puffin Buzzing the Tower
ian._harris: Puffin in flight
Wildonline.blog: European robin
www.jorgelazaro.es: Noches de meditación