DiverDownHQ: Video...
DiverDownHQ: Big trouble at 6ooo-ft
DiverDownHQ: Twisted risers; bad spiral; left wing f'd; reserve not opening
DiverDownHQ: Almost catapulted into glider
DiverDownHQ: Rapid spinning getting worse; reserve fouled
DiverDownHQ: C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!!!
DiverDownHQ: Brakes wrapped in twisted risers; cannot pull in high Gs
DiverDownHQ: Double malfunction; farthest reaches of blackout
DiverDownHQ: I've tried everything; this is it.
DiverDownHQ: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
DiverDownHQ: Official Member of the "Caterpillar Club" (google it)
DiverDownHQ: The Life Preserver of the Air
DiverDownHQ: Sink rate: 18-ft/sec.
DiverDownHQ: You're not done yet; haul in that damn wreckage
DiverDownHQ: Don't let it downplane
DiverDownHQ: Trying as hard as I can to pull in one side
DiverDownHQ: Pullllllllll...
DiverDownHQ: Drifting downwind; breathing again
DiverDownHQ: I'm gonna make it
DiverDownHQ: Glider disabled; you're gonna make it
DiverDownHQ: Sinking fast; getting out of pod
DiverDownHQ: Get ready
DiverDownHQ: This is going to hurt
DiverDownHQ: Ummmmphh!! --Yep, boulders are bad. But you're in one piece.
DiverDownHQ: Hard to PLF in this terrain...
DiverDownHQ: Never ever forget how close you came today...
DiverDownHQ: Happy rescue party
DiverDownHQ: ...and glide on.
DiverDownHQ: My savior of silk