DiverDownHQ: SET ME FREE AND LET'S F L Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DiverDownHQ: Stretching my wing after 4-yr moulting
DiverDownHQ: IMG_0604
DiverDownHQ: New blade
DiverDownHQ: Across the bay on first flight
DiverDownHQ: Makapu'u LZ
DiverDownHQ: Wing over
DiverDownHQ: Glidernaut
DiverDownHQ: "My soul is in the sky." ~William Shakespeare
DiverDownHQ: Autopilot: On
DiverDownHQ: Back in the saddle
DiverDownHQ: Me over Punaluu
DiverDownHQ: My landing approach at Puunalu
DiverDownHQ: Spot landing at Puunalu LZ
DiverDownHQ: Airspace of the Free
DiverDownHQ: My other vehicle
DiverDownHQ: Touchdown
DiverDownHQ: Me over the Pacific
DiverDownHQ: IMG_0504.jpg
DiverDownHQ: Me throwing a shaka ;-)