Mariposaland Photos: 20120311-IMG_8648.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: Jumping John.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120318-IMG_8760.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: Hung out to Dry
Mariposaland Photos: Rock Spring
Mariposaland Photos: Water out of the Rock
Mariposaland Photos: Sit'n round
Mariposaland Photos: 20120318-IMG_8759.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120318-IMG_8758.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120318-IMG_8772.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120321-IMG_8810.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120318-IMG_8782.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: After the Show
Mariposaland Photos: The law of gravity
Mariposaland Photos: Falling Water
Mariposaland Photos: Rock Shower
Mariposaland Photos: Water Cover
Mariposaland Photos: Water Water Everywhere...
Mariposaland Photos: You Can't Stop Progress
Mariposaland Photos: 20120406-IMG_0145.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120406-IMG_0153.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120406-dock_hdr.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: 20120406-IMG_0194.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: IMG_1461.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: IMG_1503.jpg
Mariposaland Photos: Sunset over Hillndale Pond
Mariposaland Photos: Sunrise on fountain
Mariposaland Photos: The Shore Line
Mariposaland Photos: The Exit Strategy