solorunner1: Dismal Friday
solorunner1: Dreary Friday Afternoon
solorunner1: Snowy Start to Saturday
solorunner1: Tunnel Backup
solorunner1: Peaceful Evening on the River
solorunner1: Good Morning Deeetroit!
solorunner1: Detroit's Riverwalk
solorunner1: Riverwalk
solorunner1: Towers of (Car) Power
solorunner1: Riverfront Entrance
solorunner1: Atrium
solorunner1: Atrial View I
solorunner1: Atrial View II
solorunner1: Borealis
solorunner1: Behind Borealis
solorunner1: Love these Lights
solorunner1: Round and Round We Go
solorunner1: Motor City Tatoo Expo
solorunner1: Tatoo Expo at the Ren Cen
solorunner1: Jefferson Entrance
solorunner1: Siberian Ram
solorunner1: People Mover Walkway
solorunner1: Keep Dreamin'
solorunner1: Blue Beauty
solorunner1: Detroit
solorunner1: Detroit
solorunner1: Detroit
solorunner1: Patiently Waiting for Summer