solorunner1: Sunrise
solorunner1: St. Anthony's Rock
solorunner1: St. Anthony's Rock
solorunner1: St. Ignatius Catholic Church
solorunner1: Fr. Marquette Memorial and Garden
solorunner1: Information Plaque
solorunner1: St Ignace Mission Marker
solorunner1: Ojibwa Museum
solorunner1: Saved by the K of C
solorunner1: Entrance
solorunner1: The Marquette Chalice
solorunner1: The Marquette Chalice
solorunner1: Fr. Marquette Gravesite Marker
solorunner1: Original Monument Inscription
solorunner1: Fr. Marquette Gravesite
solorunner1: Castle Rock
solorunner1: Saying Hi to Paul and Babe
solorunner1: Stairway to Heaven
solorunner1: Top of the Rock
solorunner1: The View from Casle Rock
solorunner1: The Big Fish
solorunner1: St Ignace Boat Docks and Nearby Lighthouse
solorunner1: All Docked Up
solorunner1: Stopping at Suzy's
solorunner1: From the Other Side
solorunner1: Returning to the Lower Peninsula
solorunner1: Wawatam Lighthouse
solorunner1: Wawatam Lighthouse
solorunner1: Wawatam Lighthouse
solorunner1: St Ignace, harbor, and boat docks.