Hein Pieterse:
Amphitheatre wall in the Northern Drakensberg
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Pool in the Tugela River in the Tugela Gorge
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Tugela River inside the Tugela Goge
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Tugela River inside the Tugela Goge
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Tugela Falls
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Tugela Falls
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Tugela Falls (948m)
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Tugela Falls
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Tugela Falls
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Drakensberg mountains inside the Amphitheatre from the Tugela Gorge
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The Tugela River as it flows away from Tugela Falls into the Royal Natal National Park
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View of the 948m high Tugela Falls, suddenly covered in clouds
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The amphitheatre wall in the Drakensberg from where the world's 2'nd highest waterfall, the Tugela Falls fall.
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Amphitheatre wall from the Tugela Gorge
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The Eastern Butress and Devil's Tooth, covered in clouds
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The Tugela Gorge
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Tugela River
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The Amphitheatre in the Drakensberg
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The Amphitheatre wall with the Eastern Butress on the left covered in clouds
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View from Witzieshoek over Natal
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View over Natal from Witzieshoek, on the way to the top of the Tugela falls (948m high)
Hein Pieterse:
Amphitheatre wall in the Drakensberg, from where the world's 2nd highest waterfall plunges 948 meters to form the Tugela Falls
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Drakensberg mountain range
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View over the clouds over Natal from Sentinel Peak, on the way to the top of the Tugela Falls
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Tugela Falls
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View from the top of the Amphitheatre through the clouds
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The Tugela River on top of the Amphitheatre wall, just before it forms the 948m high Tugela Falls.
Hein Pieterse:
The Amphitheatre in the Drakensberg
Hein Pieterse:
View from top of the Ampitheatre, Drakensberg
Hein Pieterse:
Tugela Falls