Roger Uzun: Great-Crested Flycatcher shocks the world!
Roger Uzun: Great-Crested Flycatcher leaps ahead!
Roger Uzun: Cassin's Kingbird rules with an iron beak!
Roger Uzun: Bushtit just hangin' around.
Roger Uzun: Cedar Waxwing invasion!
Roger Uzun: Cassin's Kingbird rules with an iron beak!
Roger Uzun: Great-Crested Flycatcher shocks the world!
Roger Uzun: Great-Crested Flycatcher shocks the world!
Roger Uzun: Allen's Hummingbird hums to himself.
Roger Uzun: Black Phoebe keeps everyone in line
Roger Uzun: Say's Phoebe doesn't have much to say!
Roger Uzun: Yellow-Rumped Warbler is proud of himself today!