Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak is boss around these parts!
Roger Uzun: Golden Eagle doesn't dare challenge the grosbeaks!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills prepare to cross!
Roger Uzun: Spotted Towhee Spotted!
Roger Uzun: Dark-Eyed Junco ready to junc!
Roger Uzun: Dark-Eyed Junco ready to junc!
Roger Uzun: Dark-Eyed Junco ready to junc!
Roger Uzun: Dark-Eyed Junco ready to junc!
Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak on day patrol!
Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak on day patrol!
Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak on day patrol!
Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak enjoys a daytime break!
Roger Uzun: Evening Grosbeak enjoys a daytime break!
Roger Uzun: Mountain Chickadee heads for the mountains!
Roger Uzun: Red-Breasted Nuthatch knows he's the best!
Roger Uzun: White-Breasted Nuthatch knows he's the best!
Roger Uzun: Pine Siskin comes down from the pines!
Roger Uzun: Pine Siskin comes down from the pines!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills can't be crossed!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills can't be crossed!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills can't be crossed!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills can't be crossed!
Roger Uzun: Red Crossbills can't be crossed!
Roger Uzun: American Robin, All-American!
Roger Uzun: Ruby Crowned Kinglet lives in the treetops!
Roger Uzun: Golden Crowned Sparrow thinks he's king!
Roger Uzun: Spotted Towhee makes himself hard to spot!
Roger Uzun: Townsend's Solitaire dominates the stock tank!
Roger Uzun: Townsend's Solitaire dominates the stock tank!
Roger Uzun: Acorn Woodpecker does NOT approve!