Roger Uzun:
California Scrub Jay sees all!
Roger Uzun:
Song Sparrow greets the dawn!
Roger Uzun:
Hooded Oriole with a perfect landing!
Roger Uzun:
Yellow-Rumped Warbler faces front
Roger Uzun:
Nuttall's Woodpecker hates orioles!
Roger Uzun:
House Finch watches the house
Roger Uzun:
Bullock's Oriole takes her time
Roger Uzun:
Hooded Oriole poised to strike!
Roger Uzun:
Hooded Oriole is ready to snack!
Roger Uzun:
Hooded Oriole is ready to snack!
Roger Uzun:
Hooded Oriole grabs a drink
Roger Uzun:
California Scrub Jay knows what he likes!
Roger Uzun:
California Scrub Jay exits the scrub!
Roger Uzun:
White Crowned Sparrow is ready to rock!
Roger Uzun:
White Crowned Sparrow finds a platform
Roger Uzun:
Eurasian Collared Doves are fearless!