Ruthie78: Blue Tit
Ruthie78: Blue Tit
Ruthie78: And then there were two ...
Ruthie78: Slightly Ruffled Herring Gull
Ruthie78: Drone Fly
Ruthie78: Large Bee-fly
Ruthie78: Aubretia
Ruthie78: Peacock Butterfly
Ruthie78: Large Bee-fly
Ruthie78: Green Orb-weaver
Ruthie78: Grape Hyacinth
Ruthie78: Bluebottle
Ruthie78: Ladybird
Ruthie78: Ladybird 2
Ruthie78: Cowslip
Ruthie78: Bumblebee
Ruthie78: Angle Shade Caterpillar
Ruthie78: White-legged Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger)
Ruthie78: Bryn Euryn Sunset
Ruthie78: Male Tufted Duck
Ruthie78: Female Tufted Duck
Ruthie78: Long-tailed Tit
Ruthie78: Long-tailed Tit
Ruthie78: Barnacle Geese
Ruthie78: Bar Headed Goose
Ruthie78: Male Reed Bunting
Ruthie78: Braving the Wind!
Ruthie78: Curlew
Ruthie78: Dunnock