Ruthie78: Flowers
Ruthie78: Arriving at the Registry Office!
Ruthie78: Signing the Register
Ruthie78: Shaking Hands
Ruthie78: The Wedding Party
Ruthie78: Leaving as Mr & Mrs!
Ruthie78: In Happy Valley
Ruthie78: Giggles!
Ruthie78: Me :-)
Ruthie78: With Peter's Mum
Ruthie78: With My Parents
Ruthie78: With Emma & Hatty
Ruthie78: Great Orme
Ruthie78: The Old Folks!
Ruthie78: My hubby doing the washing up!
Ruthie78: Wedding Feast
Ruthie78: The Cake :-)
Ruthie78: Cutting the Cake
Ruthie78: Ready for the Off!
Ruthie78: View from the Balcony
Ruthie78: Breakfast - 2nd Course!
Ruthie78: The Sychnant Pass Hotel
Ruthie78: Fully Loaded
Ruthie78: Honeymoon Day 1