Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: Holding onto those little love tokens helps you relive those special little moments when you see them.
Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: It's always clear when it's love, even when all else seems so vague.
Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: Music, love, and a flower. The ingredients for a romantic hour.
Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: Never judge a book by it's cover. Turn the pages and have a read before passing your judgement.
Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Pink Flutterby ƸӜƷ © OFF: Music is love in search of a word