coops33: American Alligator, basking on the canal bank
coops33: August 2010 157
coops33: August 2010 181
coops33: boysinSantaAnapond
coops33: Santa Ana NWR birding
coops33: Not as close to the bison as it seems, but still too close...
coops33: Fishing - caugt a mackerel this morning
coops33: IMG_8521_edited-1
coops33: Mike&Danpix5
coops33: Mike&Danpix8
coops33: Santa Ana NWR
coops33: P4270083
coops33: P7072605
coops33: P7100083
coops33: Wildlife watching at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
coops33: Caught a black rat snake at Bles Park, Ashburn VA
coops33: Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge - Banding a Green Jay
coops33: Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge - Mike and Dan helping to band a Green Kingfisher
coops33: Santa Ana NWR - Holding a walking stick insect