David Lahrman:
B-25 Mitchell on Takeoff
David Lahrman:
MV-22B Blowing Hot Gases to the Ground
David Lahrman:
P-47D Strutt'in Its Stuff on the Taxiway
David Lahrman:
A-10 Warthog Pull'in Its Gear Up
David Lahrman:
FM-2 Wildcat Show'in Tail
David Lahrman:
Stalking Hun Hunter
David Lahrman:
Mitchell on a Stroll
David Lahrman:
OA-10A Mak'n a Pass
David Lahrman:
Rocket Power Fat Albert
David Lahrman:
F4U-5 In the Land of Blue Daisies
David Lahrman:
The Gray Pair with Red Star
David Lahrman:
P-47 Buzzing Over Head
David Lahrman:
Wildcat on a Taxi Stroll Show'w Off Its Stuff