David Lahrman:
SNJ-5 Harvard Strolling Down the Taxiway for All to See
David Lahrman:
T-6 on Takeoff at Fairfield County Airport
David Lahrman:
SNJ-5 Harvard Taxing at Fairfield County Airport
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texan Taxing with SNJ in the Background
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texans and SNJ Taxing
David Lahrman:
Aeroshell Demonstration Team in the T-6 Texan
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texan over Fairflied County Airport
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texan and SNJ Harvard Smokeing up the Place
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texan Spinning It Up
David Lahrman:
T-6 Power
David Lahrman:
SNJ-5 Harvard Caughting to Life
David Lahrman:
Shell Aeroshell T-6 Squadron at AirVenture
David Lahrman:
T-6G At AirVenture
David Lahrman:
T-6 Aeroshell Squadron in Diamond Formation
David Lahrman:
T-6 Texan at Oshkosh
David Lahrman:
SNJ-5 VMF-231 Marines on Display at Oshkosh
David Lahrman:
SNJ-5 Texan Marine Markings at Oshkosh
David Lahrman:
SNJ-6 Texan In Overall Blue with various Logos
David Lahrman:
Aeroshell Team over Dayton
David Lahrman:
AT-6 Texan Basting in the Mid-day Sun
David Lahrman:
She Got Legs and a Nice Hat
David Lahrman:
Those Legs Got Wheels
David Lahrman:
Precious Prop