Lilian Levesque: Supernatural...
Lilian Levesque: Not everything is perfect...
Lilian Levesque: Beauty and the beast
Lilian Levesque: Walk me to the moon
Lilian Levesque: There is a beautiful city out there
Lilian Levesque: Carnival of dancing lights
Lilian Levesque: Time's pass, the obsolete is left behinding
Lilian Levesque: No time to stop and rest
Lilian Levesque: London's comes to light
Lilian Levesque: Immobile
Lilian Levesque: Time never stops
Lilian Levesque: National Elections
Lilian Levesque: A romantic winter
Lilian Levesque: Busy nightime Thames
Lilian Levesque: Naughts and crosses
Lilian Levesque: Waiting alone in the dark...
Lilian Levesque: Does this reflect reality?
Lilian Levesque: A tourist's view
Lilian Levesque: Curbs and lines
Lilian Levesque: Robotic City of London
Lilian Levesque: overwhelming industry
Lilian Levesque: Six feet under...
Lilian Levesque: St Paul's in a frame
Lilian Levesque: The poor man's view
Lilian Levesque: Wood and mortar
Lilian Levesque: Nature and industry
Lilian Levesque: Choice for transport...
Lilian Levesque: Saint pancras at night
Lilian Levesque: Saint Pancras on the move
Lilian Levesque: Saint pancras - the dance of the black cabs