bdbfc: The Ladies are ready to go.
bdbfc: Last Photos.
bdbfc: Our 'Little' support Group
bdbfc: Marina Green to the Bridge
bdbfc: Early Morning Shadows
bdbfc: Perfect Weather on the bat
bdbfc: Pink is for Boys!
bdbfc: Nice and Flat for now
bdbfc: Regrouping at Four Corners
bdbfc: The Girls ride up to Mount Home Inn
bdbfc: Good Paceline action
bdbfc: Hitting the Dirt with Miguel
bdbfc: Smiling as ever!
bdbfc: The Crew climbing
bdbfc: Looking out on the bay
bdbfc: That's a banana
bdbfc: Views for Miles
bdbfc: Jet Streams or Clouds?
bdbfc: The Pacific
bdbfc: Emilie
bdbfc: Jen
bdbfc: Studio Velo Girls
bdbfc: The MC Girls with their Escort.
bdbfc: Alec
bdbfc: A Very Quick Group Shot!
bdbfc: And off on Railroad Grade
bdbfc: Riding on the dirt is fun
bdbfc: Everyone looking good
bdbfc: Dusty and takes full concentration
bdbfc: Pam and Erin