je suis ally: it begins
je suis ally: preeeeeetty
je suis ally: wrecked already!!
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: write a list of more ways to wreck this journal
je suis ally: pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here
je suis ally: DSCN0065pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here
je suis ally: DSCN0066pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here
je suis ally: pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here
je suis ally: pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts
je suis ally: page of good thoughts part one
je suis ally: page of good thoughts part two
je suis ally: create a drawing using a piece (or several pieces) of your hair
je suis ally: fill this page with circles
je suis ally: make prints using an ink pad and cut vegetables
je suis ally: doodle on the title page
je suis ally: doodle on the instructions page
je suis ally: poke holes in this page using a pencil
je suis ally: this book belongs to
je suis ally: a page for four-letter words
je suis ally: trace the things in your bag (or pockets). let the lines overlap.
je suis ally: doodle over top of this page and in the margins