kylepost photography:
[a scraggly stream]
kylepost photography:
[perpendicular growth]
kylepost photography:
[under the bridge]
kylepost photography:
[two states of matter]
kylepost photography:
kylepost photography:
[winter landscape]
kylepost photography:
[bark falling off of a dead tree in the winter]
kylepost photography:
[some yellow moss stuff on the bark of a tree]
kylepost photography:
[a bridge in the background]
kylepost photography:
[flowing away]
kylepost photography:
[hu-man domination over snow-man]
kylepost photography:
[a bench]
kylepost photography:
[frozen ivy]
kylepost photography:
[rusty bridge over a stream in winter]
kylepost photography:
[the narrow way]
kylepost photography:
[miscellaneous winter photograph]