Helen725: Amusement park display at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: A reproduction of McKenzie House at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Scale Reproduction of McKenzie house in Toronto
Helen725: Replica of an amusement park ride at cullen gardens
Helen725: Swing ride replica at Cullen gardens
Helen725: Roller coaster replica at Cullen gardens
Helen725: Bumper boats at Cullen gardens miniature world
Helen725: Tilt - a - whirl miniature at Cullen gardens
Helen725: Merry go round at cullen gardens
Helen725: Ferris Wheel replica that was at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Airplane ride at Cullen gardens
Helen725: Peacock Topiary at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Chalet house replica at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Red sports car parked in front of house
Helen725: Miniature Camping at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Miniature Cottage House at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: All Canadian Wildnerness Road- House
Helen725: Hungry Bear Take-Out & Dairy Bar
Helen725: Miniature house at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Mansion miniature at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Church Miniature at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Close up detail of house at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Delivery Day at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Cottage by the lake
Helen725: Larger cottage by the lake
Helen725: The Ferry docks at Cullen Gardens
Helen725: Cottage by the lake
Helen725: House in the suburbs
Helen725: Puddle Lake Train station at Cullen Gardens with the highway in front
Helen725: Parkwood Estate Plaque