MariaJoãoC: Borgund Stave Kirke
MariaJoãoC: Prague - Mystery rises at dusk...
MariaJoãoC: Your attention please! The park closes at 6 pm...
MariaJoãoC: Time is not a line but a dimension... to explore.
MariaJoãoC: The bowler hat and the apple bag (Explore)
MariaJoãoC: Hebe and the nectar of gods (Explore)
MariaJoãoC: Freedom is what we do with what is done to us. (Explore)
MariaJoãoC: To a magical land called Sintra...
MariaJoãoC: Impressions
MariaJoãoC: A espuma dos dias / The foam days
MariaJoãoC: Why doesn't it rain anymore?
MariaJoãoC: What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
MariaJoãoC: Last year trekking...
MariaJoãoC: The Great Andean Condor
MariaJoãoC: The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit
MariaJoãoC: Alqueva Lake
MariaJoãoC: Muralha / The wall [Explored]
MariaJoãoC: Weekends are like rainbows...
MariaJoãoC: The Castle of the Treasure
MariaJoãoC: Torre de Belém
MariaJoãoC: Castelo de Juromenha
MariaJoãoC: Dresden - The Haircut... :))
MariaJoãoC: Hallelujah
MariaJoãoC: Mate de coca
MariaJoãoC: Árvore do céu / Sky tree
MariaJoãoC: Dresden
MariaJoãoC: People make the world go round
MariaJoãoC: The grinding rock of life... / a pedra que vai moendo a vida...
MariaJoãoC: Always Look On The Bright Side of Life ...
MariaJoãoC: Stroganov Palace