shesinthekitchen: happy new year cupcakes!
shesinthekitchen: still life with kale and rapini
shesinthekitchen: it's a dot day
shesinthekitchen: #5: the panini board, yum, yum
shesinthekitchen: #6. my chicken meatloaf with rosemary
shesinthekitchen: little christmas tree, end of the day
shesinthekitchen: stones in winter
shesinthekitchen: taking down the Christmas tree ornaments
shesinthekitchen: my treasured jar of thyme
shesinthekitchen: candlelight
shesinthekitchen: mary's basket
shesinthekitchen: pancakes!
shesinthekitchen: clearly I have an obsession with circles
shesinthekitchen: love you like a rock
shesinthekitchen: the kitchen, night
shesinthekitchen: split pea soup - the finished bowl
shesinthekitchen: guess what I got?!
shesinthekitchen: see you in the Spring
shesinthekitchen: homemade marmalade, here I come
shesinthekitchen: making panna cotta on another snow day
shesinthekitchen: calamondin oranges
shesinthekitchen: beautiful lemons
shesinthekitchen: heavy on the chocolate
shesinthekitchen: dark & chewy brownies
shesinthekitchen: Mom, forever
shesinthekitchen: signs of Spring!