*KL*: Doing nothing on Sunday is also a gift
*KL*: Under construction
*KL*: Shine in the early afternoon
*KL*: Drizzly day today
*KL*: Legs
*KL*: Feel bored
*KL*: My dining room at midnight
*KL*: You & yourself
*KL*: Nap again
*KL*: Gloomy day, gloomy face.
*KL*: After Rain
*KL*: Soft white rose at mid-night
*KL*: Dusk at Perimeter Road
*KL*: Through your eyes, again
*KL*: Late afternoon colour
*KL*: Last shot of Summer
*KL*: A basketball court corner
*KL*: Ribbon
*KL*: My friend's cat
*KL*: Preparation
*KL*: My beloved Onetwo in suit
*KL*: Red tint
*KL*: Your Bouquet today
*KL*: It recalls my only memory when I was 3.
*KL*: Sickness