tfanetti: Relic of St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Mary Shrine on Playground
tfanetti: Above the Door
tfanetti: St. James the Greater above School
tfanetti: Spire of St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Cornerstone of St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Door
tfanetti: St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Celtic Cross
tfanetti: St. Dominic
tfanetti: St. Catherine
tfanetti: Exterior of St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Sacred Heart Shrine on Playground
tfanetti: Sacred Heart of Jesus
tfanetti: St. Gerard Majella
tfanetti: Scenes with Jesus
tfanetti: St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Jesus Teaching
tfanetti: Scenes of a Young Jesus
tfanetti: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
tfanetti: Gospel Scenes Involving Boats
tfanetti: Stained Glass Window
tfanetti: View From the Back Pew of St. James the Greater
tfanetti: Sanctuary Wall
tfanetti: Relic of St. Velo
tfanetti: Mary and Various Saints
tfanetti: Religious Women who are Saints
tfanetti: Chapel of Our Lady
tfanetti: Scenes of the Resurrection
tfanetti: Scenes of the Crucifixion